
We have a wide catalogue of products to incorporate to your project.
Technical personalized advice.

Engineering and design in all the phases of project.

We have a wide catalog of standard parts owned by Motles

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All types of custom pieces

With technical capacity to integrate solutions and / or technical support in the projects of our clients. Always aiming to find the most appropriate solutions to your needs.

1. Support injected in PP with gray masters and with screwed metallic ends

Detail of screwed metal parts.

2. Bars with metallic inserts in translucent PVC and in TPU with orange masters

1. Detail of the bar in translucent PVC
2. Detail of the bar in TPU with orange masters

3. Plates made of galvanized steel, PVC superinjected

1. Detail of the translucent PVC plate
2. Detail of galvanized steel plate overinjected in translucent PVC
3. Black PVC galvanized steel plate

4. Overinjected folded plate

Folded and zinc-plated iron part overlaid with translucent PVC

5. Triggers

Trigger with body injected in black PP and head in natural TPE
Triggers for columns injected in PA6 + 30% FV with orange masters
Examples of triggers with zinc-plated iron bodies and PVC heads

6. Brushes

Examples of brushes in different materials and colors

7. Supports

Support injected in PA6 + 30% FV with blue master
Support injected in PVC with a metallic insert with screws in sight

8. Card holders

Natural PP injected card holder

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